Wednesday, February 18, 2009

cultivate faith in your imagination

i am slowly learning this one!


  1. yes, why is that so hard to do sometimes? what a good reminder! beautiful drawing jess!

  2. I love your new blog - what a wonderful idea!!! I totally agree that there's so many wonderful things in the world to focus on.

  3. what a lovely idea jessica! we definitely all need a little inspiration without all the noise. thanks for putting it all together, i'll be adding the link to my favorites!

  4. great reminder- and nice way to integrate words. i have a hard time with that one :)

  5. beautiful! loving the color. and great message in it too.

  6. oh yes, this is a great message. i never think of it in terms of faith. it's true.

  7. Wow! This is incredible! What a fantastic composition. You have a great blog, full of expressive, vibrant, awesomeness. I took a detour at artsyville and ended up here. Loved every minute!

  8. I love the words, and they are oh so true, and somehow I never think of cultivating faith in that way... new thoughts to think... and I LOVE your colour palette here, mauves and limey olivey greens together always make me salivate, really...

  9. Is this a commercial font or did you design it yourself?
    Nice work!

  10. I came to the same conclusion as you did with a small twist. Cultivate faith in God and/or the Universe and/or your imagination. Pick at least one and you will be cool. Word.
