Monday, June 8, 2009

abigail murray

good monday morning, dear hearts! i hope your weekend was abundant and gorgeous.
a few things i did: went to the local co-op and picked up all sorts of herbs and oils to make some new skin cream (yay!), stayed out until 2 am on friday night (VERY unlike me), went to the gym, shopped for wedding shoes (didn't get any, but i liked these), walked in the gorgeous weather, began a new animation, and the highlight was seeing bon iver live last night. it was a magical show, truly.

these lovely and delightful paintings are by abigail murray. i thought they were a fun and swirly way to start off our week here!

abigail says:

I have an *abundance* of passion for painting! I paint with acrylics.The paintings in this series to me symbolize the abundance of life that is in and all around us, the precious treasure of our energy. It's almost as if, through my art, I capture a glimpse something that goes often unnoticed in our everyday lives but in a way is more real and important than what we do see with our eyes. This life force holds the truth of the meaning of abundance. The creative intelligence that gave birth to the universe, simply for the joy of being, also gives life to each of us and blesses us with the ability to create and discover our true selves through our creation, just as It discovers its true self through us. The one life that is in us all, in everything, manifests here as a bounty of swirling color, movement, and emotion.

everything in life really does swirl together when you think about it, doesn't it?
check out more of abigail's work on her website and in her etsy shop!

*thanks, abigail!*


  1. Wow! These are great - I love the color and texture of them, and the figures seem to have so much emotion. Thanks for sharing!

  2. These paintings are so beautiful!
