Friday, July 17, 2009

you will have everything: by samantha spitzer

First of all, sign me up to go to those mountains in the photo above! Whoa, holy gorgeousness.
Second, wait until you read the story about what happened after Samantha Spitzer took that photograph, in New Zealand, where she and her new hubby were honeymooning. Here it is:

This submission contains one of my favorite mantras. The mantra spewed forth a couple months ago while I was chatting with my friend and colleague Heather Villars (yes, the same Heather featured on your site just a few days ago). I have been using ever since. During moments of depletion, during moments of doubt, during moments when I am so overwhelmed by being a human-DOING that I forget to be a human-BEING. Yes, those moments. I share this mantra with my yoga students who report that it brings them comfort and relief. I'm so happy to share it now with your readers. And then I found the perfect photo to use as the backdrop for the mantra. I took this photo in February 2004. My husband (Stephen) and I honeymooned for a month in New Zealand, where we rented a car and fit everything we needed into our little yellow tent shown in the photo (that's Stephen setting up the tent). The photo was taken on our first night camping, hours before experiencing the biggest thunder/lightening storm ever, which coming from the Midwest meant it was a serious thunderstorm! We were flooded out of our tent and escaped to the car where we spent the night cuddled in sleeping bags. It was one of the best nights in memory - I was okay, and I had everything I needed. I could never have imagined that I would arrive at the future I am at now. And my future will indeed look different than I imagine. But from this moment on, I will always remember that I am okay, and that I will have everything I need.

Don't you think many people would've just gotten really grumpy, thinking their honeymoon had been ruined by the weather, and being miserable all night? Not Samantha-- what an inspiring way to find the beauty and happiness in a situation, while living in and enjoying the present moment just as it is. (I imagine her yoga practice has something to do with this, don't you?) I can definitely learn something from this story!

And to read more from Samantha, check out her blog (note: she has an awesome list of 32 things she wants to do before she turns 33-- i totally want to do this! I think I'll do it when I turn 29 next month. 29 things to do before I turn 30!) and also her yoga website.

*Thanks so much, Sam!!*

Have a fabulous weekend, everybody, and I'll see you on Monday!


  1. oh man. lovely words, lovely photo- fantastic story!

  2. You and the artists you post always have this way of knowing exactly what I need to hear at the moment. Thank you, this was a much, much, needed reminder.
