my dears, i have a delicious, wonderful, colorful treat for you this morning!
this is going to be my last post for a couple weeks, as my dear fiancé and i are leaving for california tomorrow morning to go get married-- eek! i can't believe it's almost here!
so, i wanted to leave you with a very special post before i go for a little while, and i can't think of a better lady tofit that bill than aimee dolich, of artsyville fame. aimee is one of my very favorite friends in the blog world, and it's a huge honor that she took the time to illustrate her answers to my interview questions, rather than the typical typed-out answers. she's so uber-creative, it just blows my mind.
so, without further chatter from me, here is aimee's wonderfully insightful (and colorful) interview-- i hope you enjoy it! and i will see you back here on august 12th, when i have wedding and honeymoon photographs to share. (and i'll officially have a new name! jessica swift- cool, huh?)
this is going to be my last post for a couple weeks, as my dear fiancé and i are leaving for california tomorrow morning to go get married-- eek! i can't believe it's almost here!
so, i wanted to leave you with a very special post before i go for a little while, and i can't think of a better lady tofit that bill than aimee dolich, of artsyville fame. aimee is one of my very favorite friends in the blog world, and it's a huge honor that she took the time to illustrate her answers to my interview questions, rather than the typical typed-out answers. she's so uber-creative, it just blows my mind.
so, without further chatter from me, here is aimee's wonderfully insightful (and colorful) interview-- i hope you enjoy it! and i will see you back here on august 12th, when i have wedding and honeymoon photographs to share. (and i'll officially have a new name! jessica swift- cool, huh?)

1. Tell us a bit about yourself. (What's your favorite color? What can't you live without? What do you do all day? What's your favorite way to relax? Share whatever random bits you'd like!)

7. What daily practices do you follow, if any, to stay focused on positivity and abundance in your life? (journaling, meditating, drawing, visualization, reading, etc.)

*thank YOU, aimee! you are a truly special part of Pecannoot.* :)
make sure you check out artsyville the blog and also the artsyville etsy shop!
make sure you check out artsyville the blog and also the artsyville etsy shop!